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Why animation is a game-changer for marketing campaigns

Considering using animation in your marketing campaigns? Here's everything you need to know about the benefits of this format.

Today, online content is consumed at a faster rate than ever before. 60 hours of video are uploaded onto YouTube every single hour. This is an enormous amount of video when you consider how much is uploaded every week, month, and year.

With so many videos on the internet, it can be hard to stand out. This is where animation comes in. Brands need to stand out, and implementing animation into a brand's marketing campaign can be a great way to convey ideas, grow brand awareness and much more. Here's a closer look at why animation is so successful at making your marketing campaign stand out.

Captivating and memorable storytelling

Storytelling has always been a powerful tool in marketing, allowing brands to connect with their audience on an emotional level. Animation amplifies the impact of storytelling by creating captivating narratives and immersive worlds. With animation, marketers can bring characters to life, transport viewers to imaginative settings, and unfold stories that resonate more deeply. Animated characters can be relatable, charming, and endearing, enabling brands to forge strong emotional connections with their target audience.

Simplify complex ideas

Animation has the ability to take ideas that would otherwise be quite complex and simplify them with clever visual demonstrations. Sometimes, ideas can be hard to communicate with just words, especially if it's a new or completely unique idea! Words alone can leave certain bits unclear or up to interpretation. We, as humans, are visual storytellers, and animation is a great way to convey more complex ideas to show exactly what a new product or service looks like and what it intends to do.

For example, animated explainer videos are excellent tools for demonstrating new or complex concepts as easily digestible pieces of animation that anyone can understand. These can be combined with voiceovers or words on the screen to help further communicate and convey an idea, turning something complex into something straightforward.


In an increasingly online world, creating something that not only connects with your audience but is also easily shareable is essential. Animation is just that: highly shareable and easy to consume via the power of social media. Users want to see content that is entertaining, engaging and meaningful and when they find that they are much more likely to share it with people. In fact, a survey by Hubspot found that 92% of mobile users enjoy sharing video content with others. Add to the mix that animation even has the potential to go viral and you have the potential for high shareability.

Increased brand awareness and recognition

Building a strong brand identity and gaining recognition in a crowded marketplace is a challenge for any marketer. Animation provides a valuable solution by offering a visually distinctive and memorable brand representation. Animated logos, mascots, or characters can be designed to embody the essence of a brand, making it instantly recognisable. Consider the example of the animated Geico gecko or the Apple logo's playful animations. These animated elements not only make the brand stand out but also leave a lasting impression in consumers' minds. By leveraging animation, brands can enhance their visibility, create a unique brand image, and increase brand awareness.

Versatility and adaptability

Animation offers marketers a versatile medium that can be adapted to suit various platforms, mediums, and target audiences. It is not bound by the limitations of live-action production, such as casting, location, or budget constraints. Animation can effortlessly transition between different styles, catering to diverse marketing goals. Whether it's a 2D animated video for social media, a 3D animated product demo, or an interactive animated website, the possibilities are endless. This adaptability allows brands to create tailored animated content that resonates with specific audiences and meets their unique preferences.


Animation has undoubtedly emerged as a game-changer for marketing campaigns. Its ability to captivate, tell stories, increase brand awareness, forge emotional connections, adapt to various platforms, and fuel creativity has revolutionised the way brands engage with their audiences. Video production agencies such as Perspective Pictures can help brands achieve just that, with creativity, technical know-how, and expert skills.

As competition intensifies and consumers' attention spans shrink, animation provides a powerful tool for brands to cut through the noise and leave a lasting impression. By embracing animation, brands can unlock new levels of creativity, enhance audience engagement, and ultimately drive the success of their marketing campaigns.

Copyright 2023. Guest post

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